Book Project

UPDATE: The Legacy of Love book is now available to order direct from the Legacy of Love website.

Legacy of LoveAs an animal sculptor – working in three dimensions – I don’t have many opportunities to get involved in a book project. I was therefore very excited to be contacted by renowned wildlife artist Gary Hodges about a book project featuring celebrities, artists and their love of animals.

The book, Legacy of Love, is still at the production stage, but will be a luxury coffee table book filled with heartfelt words, stunning photos and beautiful art. It brings together 48 charity founders, actors, poets, artists and photographers, each contributing a chapter explaining and celebrating their love of animals in words and pictures.

Among the treasure trove of contributors are Dame Maureen Lipman, Jonathan and Angela Scott, Virginia and Will Travers and Pam Ayres MBE. This beautiful book was the brainchild of Lynne Chitty who has been working on the project for over a year. In January 2021 she joined forces with wildlife artist Gary Hodges, who is helping to compile and oversee the production of the book.

Book Project Contributors

The book is being designed by Paul Whymant-Morris, who has over 30 years experience of working with top agencies and big name pop stars. He has produced numerous books, all designed with care and attention to detail. The book will be printed in the UK by Emmerson Press, who have supported wildlife charities for over three decades. They are generously donating their printing costs, saving the project at least £8,000.

I contributed an extended essay reflecting on my passion for animals and how they have informed and influenced my art since childhood. I also talk about the importance of animal conservation and what it means to me as an artist and an animal lover. My chapter will be illustrated by high quality photographs of a number of my favourite animal sculptures.

Book Project Sample

Legacy of Love will be officially launched in Gloucestershire here in the UK at the prestigious Nature in Art, the world’s first and Europe’s only museum dedicated to art inspired by nature. An exhibition of the art and photography featured in the book will be staged in conjunction with the launch. At least 50% of sales will go directly to the animal charities featured in the book.

The book project is seeking backers to sponsor a contributor each through Kickstarter. You could sponsor the project in memory of someone special (animal or human) or in your own name or in the name of your business. All profits from the project will be donated to animal charities. The more money that can be raised, the more we can help the wild animals celebrated within the pages of the book.

Lion Cub Sculpture Reward

To help fund the project, I have donated a lion cub sculpture as a reward for backers of the Kickstarter project. As a backer, you’ll have the opportunity to buy this unique sculpture at a discounted price. There will be many other rewards to choose from, such as limited edition prints and signed books. The project launches on Kickstarter from 12th June 2021.

Subscribe to the project here if you’d like to follow the progress of the book and its Kickstarter launch. Find out more about the book on the Legacy of Love website. You can also follow the project and meet the contributors on Facebook.