David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation’s (DSWF) Wildlife Artist of the Year Exhibition opened yesterday in the Mall Galleries, London and what an exciting show! I think it was generally thought to be the best exhibition so far, packed with fresh and exciting artwork.
The exhibition was opened by journalist and TV presenter, Mark Carwardine. He spoke passionately about the pressure wildlife was under (highlighting the plummeting rhino and tiger numbers) and what a difference DSWF projects make to conservation. Mark also complained that many people, on admiring his photos, often remarked on what a good camera he must have. By the same token, he joked, the artists in the exhibition must have really good paintbrushes!
David Shepherd gave a short speech followed by the actress, Pam St.Clements (who plays Pat Butcher from EastEnders) giving out the awards. Sadly, this year I didn’t receive an award but to be part of such a fantastic show is still very exciting. So if you enjoy wildlife in art than you really should visit the Wildlife Artist of the Year Exhibition.
Above: Artists Karen Lawrence-Rowe, Jonathan Truss and myself